Nyquist Criterion

Nyquist’s Criterion specifies the conditions on \(g(t) = p(t)*p^*(−t)\) for an ISI-free channel on which a symbol-by-symbol detector is optimal.

Ideal Nyquist waveform

The demodulator first filters the received modulated waveform \(u(t) = \sum_k u_k p(t-kT)\) using a filter with impulse response \(q(t)\). It then samples the output at \(T\)-spaced sample times. That is, the received filtered waveform is

$$r(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} u(\tau) q(t - \tau) d\tau = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \sum_k u_k p(\tau - kT) q(t - \tau) d\tau = \sum_k u_k g(t - kT) \tag{*}$$

where \(g(t) = p(t) * q(t)\), and the received samples are \(r(T), r(2T), . . . ,\).
There is no intersymbol interference if \(r(kT) = u_k\) for each integer \(k\), and from (*) this is satisfied if \(g(0) = 1\) and \(g(kT) = 0\) for each nonzero integer \(k\).
A waveform \(g(t)\) is ideal Nyquist with period \(T\) if \(g(kT) = \delta(k)\).
If \(g(t)\) is ideal Nyquist, then \(r(kT) = u_k\) for all \(k \in \Bbb Z\). If \(g(t)\) is not ideal Nyquist, then \(r(kT) \neq u_k\) for some \(k\) and choice of \({u_k}\).

The Nyquist criterion

Let \(s(t)\) be the baseband-limited waveform generated by the samples of \(g(t)\),

$$s(t) = \sum_k g(kT) sinc({t \over T} − k)$$

\(g(t)\) is ideal Nyquist iff \(s(t) = sinc(t/T)\) i.e., iff \(\hat s(f) = T rect(fT)\)
From the aliasing theorem,

$$\hat s(f) = l.i.m. \sum_m \hat g(f + {m \over T}) rect(fT)$$

Nyquist criterion : Let \(\hat g(f)\) be \(L^2\) and satisfy the condition \(\lim\limits_{|f|\to \infty} \hat g(f)|f|^{1+\varepsilon} = 0\) for some \(\varepsilon > 0\). Then the inverse transform, \(g(t)\), of \(\hat g(f)\) is ideal Nyquist with interval \(T\) if and only if \(\hat g(f)\) satisfies the Nyquist criterion for \(T\), defined as

$$ l.i.m. \sum_m \hat g(f + m/T) rect(fT) = T rect(fT)$$

This says that out of band frequencies can help in avoiding intersymbol interference.
The frequency \(\omega = \pi / T\) or \(f = 1/2T\) is called the Nyquist Frequency.

Band-edge symmetry

The choice of \(\hat g(f)\) involves a tradeoff between making \(\hat g(f)\) smooth, so as to avoid a slow time decay in \(g(t)\), and reducing the excess of \(B_b\) over the Nyquist bandwidth \(W_b\). This excess is expressed as a rolloff factor, defined to be \((B_b/W_b) − 1\), usually expressed as a percentage.
The most widely used set of functions that satisfy the Nyquist Criterion are the raised-cosine shapes, which simply rounds off the step discontinuity in \(rect({f \over 2W_b})\) in such a way as to maintain the Nyquist criterion while making \(\hat g(f)\) continuous with a continuous derivitive, thus guaranteeing that \(g(t)\) decays asympototically with \(1/t^3\). BandEdgeSymmetry

Orthonormal shifts

Orthonormal shifts theorem : Let \(p(t)\) be an \(L^2\) function such that \(\hat g(f) = |\hat p(f)|^2\) satisfies the Nyquist criterion for \(T\). Then \({p(t−kT); k \in \Bbb Z}\) is a set of orthonormal functions. Conversely, if \({p(t−kT); k \in \Bbb Z}\) is a set of orthonormal functions, then \(|\hat p(f)|^2\) satisfies the Nyquist criterion.

Because of noise, we choose \(| \hat p(f)| = |\hat q(f)|\). Since \(\hat g(f) = \hat p(f) \hat q(f)\), this requires \(\hat q(f) = \hat pˆ∗(f)\) and thus \(q(t) = p^*(−t)\). This means that

$$g(t) = \int p(\tau)q(t - \tau) d\tau = \int p(\tau)p^*(\tau - t) d\tau$$

For \(g(t)\) ideal Nyquist,

$$g(kT) = \int p(\tau) p^*(\tau - kT) d\tau = \begin{cases} 1 & \text { for } k = 0 \\ 0 & \text { for } k \neq 0 \end{cases}$$

This means that \(\{p(t − kT); k \in \Bbb Z\}\) is an orthogonal set of functions.
Since \(|\hat p(f)|^2 = \hat g(f)\), \(p(t)\) is often called square root of Nyquist.
In vector terms, \(u(\tau)q(kT − \tau)d\tau\) is the projection of \(u\) on \(p(t−kT)\). \(q(t)\) is called the matched filter to p(t).


  1. Robert Gallager. (2006). 6.450 Digital Communication. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/)
  2. Robert G.Gallager. (2009). Principles of Digital Communication. (New York: Cambridge University Press).
  3. Gilbert Strang. (2007 ). Computational Science and Engineering. (Wellesley-Cambridge Press).
  4. John M. Cioffi. (2007). EE 379A Digital Communication: Signal Processing. (https://www.stanford.edu/).
  5. John G. Proakis. (2008). Digital Communications, Fifth Edition. (New York: McGraw-Hill).

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