Nyquist Criterion
Nyquist’s Criterion specifies the conditions on \(g(t) = p(t)*p^*(−t)\) for an ISI-free channel on which a symbol-by-symbol detector is optimal.
Ideal Nyquist waveform
The demodulator first filters the received modulated waveform \(u(t) = \sum_k u_k p(t-kT)\) using a filter with impulse response \(q(t)\). It then samples the output at \(T\)-spaced sample times. That is, the received filtered waveform is
where \(g(t) = p(t) * q(t)\), and the received samples are \(r(T), r(2T), . . . ,\).
There is no intersymbol interference if \(r(kT) = u_k\) for each integer \(k\), and from (*) this is satisfied if \(g(0) = 1\) and \(g(kT) = 0\) for each nonzero integer \(k\).
A waveform \(g(t)\) is ideal Nyquist with period \(T\) if \(g(kT) = \delta(k)\).
If \(g(t)\) is ideal Nyquist, then \(r(kT) = u_k\) for all \(k \in \Bbb Z\). If \(g(t)\) is not ideal Nyquist, then \(r(kT) \neq u_k\) for some \(k\) and choice of \({u_k}\).
The Nyquist criterion
Let \(s(t)\) be the baseband-limited waveform generated by the samples of \(g(t)\),
\(g(t)\) is ideal Nyquist iff \(s(t) = sinc(t/T)\) i.e., iff \(\hat s(f) = T rect(fT)\)
From the aliasing theorem,
Nyquist criterion : Let \(\hat g(f)\) be \(L^2\) and satisfy the condition \(\lim\limits_{|f|\to \infty} \hat g(f)|f|^{1+\varepsilon} = 0\) for some \(\varepsilon > 0\). Then the inverse transform, \(g(t)\), of \(\hat g(f)\) is ideal Nyquist with interval \(T\) if and only if \(\hat g(f)\) satisfies the Nyquist criterion for \(T\), defined as
This says that out of band frequencies can help in avoiding intersymbol interference.
The frequency \(\omega = \pi / T\) or \(f = 1/2T\) is called the Nyquist Frequency.
Band-edge symmetry
The choice of \(\hat g(f)\) involves a tradeoff between making \(\hat g(f)\) smooth, so as to avoid a slow time decay in \(g(t)\), and reducing the excess of \(B_b\) over the Nyquist bandwidth \(W_b\). This excess is expressed as a rolloff factor, defined to be \((B_b/W_b) − 1\), usually expressed as a percentage.
The most widely used set of functions that satisfy the Nyquist Criterion are the raised-cosine shapes, which simply rounds off the step discontinuity in \(rect({f \over 2W_b})\) in such a way as to maintain the Nyquist criterion while making \(\hat g(f)\) continuous with a continuous derivitive, thus guaranteeing that \(g(t)\) decays asympototically with \(1/t^3\).
Orthonormal shifts
Orthonormal shifts theorem : Let \(p(t)\) be an \(L^2\) function such that \(\hat g(f) = |\hat p(f)|^2\) satisfies the Nyquist criterion for \(T\). Then \({p(t−kT); k \in \Bbb Z}\) is a set of orthonormal functions. Conversely, if \({p(t−kT); k \in \Bbb Z}\) is a set of orthonormal functions, then \(|\hat p(f)|^2\) satisfies the Nyquist criterion.
Because of noise, we choose \(| \hat p(f)| = |\hat q(f)|\). Since \(\hat g(f) = \hat p(f) \hat q(f)\), this requires \(\hat q(f) = \hat pˆ∗(f)\) and thus \(q(t) = p^*(−t)\). This means that
For \(g(t)\) ideal Nyquist,
This means that \(\{p(t − kT); k \in \Bbb Z\}\) is an orthogonal set of functions.
Since \(|\hat p(f)|^2 = \hat g(f)\), \(p(t)\) is often called square root of Nyquist.
In vector terms, \(u(\tau)q(kT − \tau)d\tau\) is the projection of \(u\) on \(p(t−kT)\). \(q(t)\) is called the matched filter to p(t).
- Robert Gallager. (2006). 6.450 Digital Communication. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/)
- Robert G.Gallager. (2009). Principles of Digital Communication. (New York: Cambridge University Press).
- Gilbert Strang. (2007 ). Computational Science and Engineering. (Wellesley-Cambridge Press).
- John M. Cioffi. (2007). EE 379A Digital Communication: Signal Processing. (https://www.stanford.edu/).
- John G. Proakis. (2008). Digital Communications, Fifth Edition. (New York: McGraw-Hill).
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