Polar Coding Notes IV
Consider a \(G_N\)-coset code with parameter \((N, K, \cal A , u_{\cal A^c})\). Let \(u_1^N\) be encoded into a codeword \(x_1^N\), let \(x_1^N\) be sent over the channel \(W^N\), and let a channel output \(y_1^N\) be received. The decoder’s task is to generate an estimate \(\hat u_1^N\) of \(u_1^N\), given knowledge of \(\cal A\), \(u_{\cal A^c}\), and \(y_1^N^[1]\).
Successive Cancellation Decoder
Individual \(G_N\)-coset codes will be identified by a parameter vector \((N, K, \cal A, u_{\cal A^c})\), where \(K\) is the code dimension and specifies the size of \(\cal A\). The ratio \(K/N\) is called the code rate. We will refer to \(\cal A\) as the information set and to \(u_{\cal A^c} \in {\cal X}^{N−K}\) as frozen bits or vector.
We obtain a mapping from source blocks \(u_{\cal A}\) to codeword blocks \(x_1^N\) as
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